Legal Mentions

GEVELOT SA does not store any personal particulars allowing identification, with the exception of the forms that the user is free to fill out. That information will not be used without your permission; it will be used solely to send you correspondence, brochures, quotations or to contact you.

All information collected on the sites is governed by the French Data Privacy Act (Informatique et Libertés) no. 78-17 dated 6 January 1978. You are legally entitled to access, rectify, withhold and delete it simply by writing to GEVELOT SA, 6, Boulevard Bineau 92300 LEVALLOIS PERRET.

GEVELOT SA is allowed to compile statistics if they are anonymous, and may inform third parties of them (traffic evaluation organizations) in a summary and anonymous form.

Use of cookies

Order processing requires the use of cookies. Anonymous information is stored by the cookies system (text files used to recognize a user and thus enhance their site experience). They have no meaning apart from their use on the site.


GEVELOT SA does not control sites having links to its site, and therefore cannot be held liable for their content. The risk of using such sites falls solely to the user, who must comply with their terms of use.


Listed in the NANTERRE Trade & Companies Register under number 562 088 542
Head Office: 6, Boulevard Bineau 92300 LEVALLOIS PERRET
Telephone: 0033 1 77 68 31 03

Responsible publisher

M. P. Barbelane


EQS Group AG
Karlstrasse 47
D-80333 Munich

Tel.: +49 (0) 89 210298-0
Fax: +49 (0) 89 210298-49